White Carefreeness

What whiteness, indescribable whiteness!
Where the sky, where the earth – can’t tell them apart.
Snow falls – white carefreeness.
It seems you’ll shout out of joy and die.

I’ll close my eyes, lie down in the clearing
As if I’ll open, peel my chest to the sun –
Let that whiteness fall into my heart,
That pure, gentle, and soft carefreeness.

Justinas Marcinkevičius

Already for the eighteenth year at the gallery BALTA, there’s the traditional group exhibition “Colour-Mood-Symbol” taking place. The exhibition has its codes and symbolism, attracting attention annually from both artists and visitors.

This year, 27 artists present their works: painters, textile artists, graphic designers, and sculptors. The artworks depict various stories, themes of nature, the fusion of mystical and real motifs, abstract expressions of states and feelings. However, all creators are united by one common denominator – the colour white. The artworks of participating artists in the exhibition present how each perceives the colour white. Emotions and ideas unfold through both symbolism and colours, conveying mood. There is a prevalence of various genres and diverse themes, executed in different techniques. The works, unified by one intent, aim to create a memorable impression of celebration, coziness, and light. The main goal of the exhibition is to allow the visitor to perceive and see the colour white through the eyes of the artist.

The exhibition and voting will be open until February 1, 2024.

The winner of the competition will be awarded.

One of the voters will be awarded a prize – a visit to the gallery BALTA café for two people.

You can vote here:

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